《芒神》黑膠 // God of Silver Grass vinyl
Released By Tunnel Records
魔神仔, “Mô͘-sîn-á”.
In Taiwanese folklore, paranormal encounters inside the mountain area are often described as being taken by the
“Mô͘-sîn-á”. The origin of this phrase could trace back to Nederlands vocabulary “Schim” (shadow) during the Dutch Formosa colony (1642-1662). “Mô͘-sîn-á” is said it has humanoid figure with scale, leather and webbed paws. Such encounters are still sometimes reported in the urbanized mountain area nowadays. And it has an alternative phrase -
芒神, “God of Silver Grass”.
A1魘 (nightmare) and A2 魍魎 (shadow) are new tracks with sample taken from the “God of Silver Grass” which was recorded in late 2014; with guest featuring from Zaliva-D on A3.
B1 was originally released by Guruguru Brain on (GGB006).
《芒神》 新發行2018黑膠版本。B面同名原曲收錄於Guruguru Brain發行之GGB006,A1《魘》與 A2《魍魎》則為本次收錄新曲,A3則為Zaliva-D重新混音曲目。